Friday, January 24, 2020

Getting Sober :: Expository Cause Effect Essays

Getting Sober To recognize that they have drinking problems, alcoholics have to be completely miserable and willing to change. When they get to this point, it is called their "bottom." There are "high bottom" and "low bottom" drunks, but it doesn't matter as long as they get sober. There are many different reasons why an alcoholic decides to get sober, but in my own case, I lost my self-esteem, I couldn't control my drinking, and my life became unmanageable. The first thing that made me think about getting sober was that I lost my self-esteem. I always used to cut myself down in front of people and never knew how to accept compliments- sure signs of low self-esteem. The biggest symptom I had of low self-esteem was that I wasn't comfortable in my own skin or around people unless I was drunk because the only way I could stand myself was when I drank. I also never cared about my appearance, so I wouldn't wear make-up, fix my hair, or bathe regularly. Still, low self-esteem was something I would never have guessed I had-that is, until I thought about killing myself. Then I knew something might be wrong. The second thing that made me want to get sober was the realization that I couldn't control my drinking-it had become a mental and physical obsession. Since my first drink at the age of twelve I couldn't go a day without a drink, and I could never have just one. By the age of seventeen I was used to drinking a case and a half of beer a day, and for the next two years I lived in a drunken fog. I could not go to school, work, or anywhere else outside my front door without a drink or the promise of one. I finally realized something had to be done when I couldn't get a drink one day and swallowing my own spit made me violently sick. I was forced to drink NyQuil to keep from throwing up because it was the only alcohol in the house. But the main reason I got sober was that my life became unmanageable. The first thing that made me notice I was out of control was getting kicked out of high school two weeks before graduation.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Collision Theory Essay

I have been asked to investigate the effects different factors such as concentration and temperature have on the rate of reaction The rate of reaction is the loss rate of a reactant or the rate of creation of a product during a chemical reaction and it can be measured by dividing one by the time taken for the reaction be completed. Collision Theory states that an increase in concentration, temperature, surface area and the use of a catalyst in a reaction will either increase the rate of reaction by increasing the rate of collision between reactant particles, increase the success rate of collisions between the reactants or both of these reactions, there is also another factor which effects the rate of reaction, but is only applicable in gasses, that factor being pressure. I have chosen to investigate the effects of Concentration on rate of reaction, as it is the most accurately achievable while still challenging factor to change. Method: Equipment- 1x conical flask 2x 50ml measuring cylinder 1x 10ml measuring cylinder 1x pipette Sodium Thiosulphate Hydrochloric acid Water Stop clock Safety goggles Plain paper with a black cross on it. Add 10ml of HCL to a conical flask, by All procedures will be undertaken with safety goggles on. After assembling all of the equipment I will pour as close to 10 ml of hydrochloric acid into the 10 ml measuring cylinder, using the pipette to get the amount as close as reasonably possible, I will when doing this take into account surface tension and hence fill so the actual amount in the measuring cylinder is at 10ml not a little under as it may appear. I will then add (starting with 50ml descending in steps of 5ml to 20ml) sodium thiosulphate to the 50ml measuring cylinder. Following this I will add (starting with 0ml rising to 30ml in steps of five, in such a manner that the total volume of water combined with sodium thiosulphate Is always at 50ml) water to the second 50ml measuring cylinder. I will then add the two 50ml measuring cylinders contents into the cylinder containing the sodium thiosulphate, leave the cylinder for 10 seconds for the liquids to mix together (after swirling gently 10 times) before emptying the hydrochloric acid into the conical flask, followed by the mixture of sodium thiosulphate and water. The conical flask will be left on top of the piece of paper for the addition of the latter and when the second liquid is poured into the conical flask the stop clock will be started, I will then proceed to watch the view the black cross on the piece of paper bellow the conical flask until the point I can no longer see the black cross, at which instance I will stop the stop clock and record the time taken on a table along with the volumes of liquids used, I will also take the temperature at the time to make sure if there is any major discrepancy caused by the temperature I will know that this is the case and will be able to identify and explain these results.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Racism On The Slave - 1262 Words

Racism on the Racist: Examining Racial Discrimination’s Effects on its White Subjects in ‘Benito Cereno’, ‘What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?’ and Playing in the Dark Herman Melville’s short story ‘Benito Cereno’ (1855), Frederick Douglass’ speech ‘What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?’ (1852) and Toni Morrison’s literary critique Playing in the Dark (1993) differ greatly in form and context. Yet each focusses on the binary between white and black Americans, examining the ways by which each of these races perceives and interacts with the other. These racial binaries in the texts demonstrate the ways in which white Americans are affected by their own sense of supremacy, how their culture is shaped by their racism towards African†¦show more content†¦This ignorance is, throughout the short story, referred to as Delano’s ‘innocence’, a trait definitive of a man of the New World, unsullied, unlike Europeans, by the corruption of antiquity. At the story’s opening, he is described as ‘a person of a singularly undistrustful good nature, not liable†¦ to indulg e in personal alarms any way involving the imputation of malign evil in man’ (37). Since the tale is focalised through Delano, the reader is forced to adopt a similar level of naà ¯vetà © as the unsuspicious captain, however the third person narrator gives, from the outset, a warning to the reader about Delano’s unwillingness to see bad. ‘Whether, in view, of what humanity is capable,’ they write, ‘such a trait implies†¦ more than ordinary quickness and accuracy of intellectual perception, may be left to the wise to determine’ (38). This humorous interjection of the narrator’s casts Delano’s reliability in a dubious light. This is just one among many signs that the story’s protagonist might be slow on the uptake. Other signals include the abundance of grey imagery in the opening scene, the sky seeming a ‘gray surtout’ filled with flights of both ‘troubled gray fowl’ and ‘troubled gray vapours’ (37), this indeterminate colour suggesting confusion and the deception of appearances; and the San Dominick’sShow MoreRelatedRacism Without Racists By Eduardo Bonilla Slave849 Words   |  4 Pagesdid; however, I was indeed treated in a different way, which was racist and discriminated. When I read the materials from class, I felt I had experienced the exactly same thing in my life. Segregation, which was written by Eduardo Bonilla-Slave in his book: Racism without Racists, still happened today in my life; marginalization and powerlessness, which were proposed by Iris Young in her book: Five Faces of Oppression, were common problem for all Chinese nonimmigrants. Nonimmigrants were not equalRead More Racism and the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave1130 Words   |  5 PagesExamining Prevalent Attitudes on Racism and the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave When we look at the issue of racism from a politically correct, nineties perspective, evidence of the oppression of black people may be obscured by the ways in which our society deals with the inequalities that still exist. There are no apparent laws that prohibit or limit opportunities for blacks in our society today, yet there is a sense that all things are not fair and equal. HowRead MoreRacism : African American Land And African Slave Trade900 Words   |  4 PagesRacism is a quandary that’s all too familiar in our modern society. It’s an issue that dates back thousands of years and is very much noticeable in American history. Since the domination of Native American land and African Slave Trade, we’ve come a long way, but racism still has a lingering presence and perhaps always will. The years between 1870 and 1900 began the age of segregation. The late 19th century in the US involved the increase of both nativism and racism. White supremacy lasted with traditionsRead MoreThe Atlantic Slave Trade Does Still Impact Racism Today1164 Words   |  5 PagesThe Atlantic slave trade does still impact racism today in the US. The struggles over slavery gave a civil war, segregation, Jim Crow laws, and finally a civil rights movement to help us move forward and progress. Many scholars argue that slavery created racism, in the artificial categories of black and white. Racism was created, at least in large part, to justify slavery. To dumb it down for people who really don t understand is racism is basically racial prejudice or discrimination. Some mayRead MoreRacism And Slavery : Black Or The Egg, Slavery Or Racism?993 Words   |  4 Pagesslavery or racism? The question of whether racism is the root of slavery, or if slavery caused racism is an ongoing debate that throughout history historians has been batting to answer, and have yet to come to an agreement. Some people think that people were made slaves because of prejudice toward the color of their skin, therefore, racism caused slavery; others believe that people saw slaves as inferior to them, and therefore slavery caused racism. Jordan’s â€Å"The Mutual Causation of Racism and Slavery†Read MoreSlavery and Racism1509 Words   |  7 PagesDr. Carlson November 17, 2011 Slavery and Racism: Are They One in the Same? Aphra Behn was an extremely significant and influential English writer in the 1600s. One of her more famous works, Oroonoko, discusses the issues of slavery and racism in the Americas. Many people believe that slavery and racism go hand in hand. In fact, these two ideologies are awfully different. Slavery is the act of forcing humans to be treated property whereas racism is the belief that discrimination based on inherentlyRead MoreSocio-Historical Impact of ‚Äà ºRacism Is the Result of Slavery‚Äà ¹803 Words   |  4 PagesKadeem Jackson U.S. History September 25,2009 Socio-Historical impact of â€Å"Racism Is The Result Of Slavery† Human nature wants to cast people who are like oneself as better than people not like oneself. That bias requires very little encouragement when coupled with the tendency towards selective memory. This impairs the normal empathy that generally prevents people from casually harming their fellows. A little push from greed and viola. It ought to be observed that theRead MoreEpitaph and Dreaming Black Boy1021 Words   |  5 Pagesa) Compare the ways in which these two poems deal with the experience of oppression and racism. b) State which of the two poems you find more disturbing, and give reasons to support your answer. c) Identify and comment on TWO poetic devices used in each poem to highlight the workings of oppression or racism. Dreaming Black Boy and Epitaph are two poems which address the issues of oppression and racism. though they both deal with the same problem, it is handled and discussed differently. Read MoreArgumentive Essay On Racism870 Words   |  4 Pages Hi im Devionna oliver. This is my argumentive essay on racism. I plan to start by saying that the reason i choice this topic was because racism it affects all people. Racism is the act of judging , prejudice, discrimation , or antagonism directed against someone of a different trace based on the belief that’s one own race is superior according to the defenition. There are many examples are what racism can cause such as slavery, individuals to feel superior or inferior of anotherRead MoreRacism Is Defined As Discrimination Against Someone Of A Different Race1302 Words   |  6 PagesRacism is defined as discrimination against someone of a different race based on the beliefs that one’s own race is superior (Oxfo rd Dictionary). Racism has existed since the beginning of time, coming to light during slavery in the sixteenth century and the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s. However, racism is still prevalent in today’s society and is a topic that needs to be further addressed and discussed. According to the article, â€Å"Slavery in America† on the website History, slavery began